Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Monday was a training hike day up at Mt. Si with my coworker/friend Marjie (who I definitely owe a lot to since she's keeping my butt on course with training). Got my pack up to about 30 lbs, including snowshoes in our packs just in case we met up with some snow along the way (we ran into about a half inch of snow about a mile and a half up).

And my butt was officially kicked after a two and a half hour hike. Not that I felt overly physically strained, but this was the first time I had worked on inclines with a pack almost as heavy as I'll be taking with me, and I was tiiiiired (just ask my boyfriend, I started nodding off last night as we were talking). It was a great day and a great hike, but it definitely is kicking my butt into gear!

Oh, and I'm 9 lbs down! Hopefully 10 by the end of the week (halfway to goal!)

There's too much to be done in three months time... it will be awesome to see the outcome. :)

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